Friday, December 4, 2009

Just a Few Things

Ah the wonders of the internet . . .

If you're reading this and you're a student or alum of Wittenberg, I encourage you to check out a few new (and maybe not so new) online info sites for WittPath Career Services:

*Updated info has been added to the "Majors" page, including an updated "What can I Do With This Major" page highlighting several academic areas and the potential careers that stem from them. Major Page

*A new blog has been created to post the internships and jobs that get sent to us by e-mail, but aren't listed in the Job and Internship Board. Give it a look for some additional opportunities! Internship and Job Blog

*It's been up for awhile, but if you aren't following us on FaceBook, find "WittPath Career Services" and become a fan - we post tips, job opportunities, workshop dates and whatever else strikes our fancy!